Member-only story
Addicted to Medium!
I Found a Place Where I Fit In
I just need more time because its cat o'clock here
Ok, there is a slight problem here folks! I’m starting to realize that there are too many stories and not enough time in the day! Too many awesome stories to read and too many floating around in this here head. Give me more time!
I get a cup of coffee and then sit down at my computer. Once I am comfortable, I check out some comments and read some stories. Maybe I'll even write a rough draft for a story. I glance up at the clock and every time, I am surprised. At least four hours have passed by, that quickly! Oh, no! I jump up like a maniac (and not the sexy kind!). I feel like the rabbit in Alice in Wonderland, running around the house, muttering, “I’m late! I’m late!”.
I need a way to slow time way down. Does anyone else feel like time is moving faster than ever? Is the Earth’s magnetic pull doing something new? Are we off kilter? I’m not a scientist, but they should really stop fiddling around, up there in space. It’s doing something weird with time! The gravitational pull is pulling the hands of my clock a little too fast! Stop it! Look at me, starting my own conspiracy theory!
Since I got on Medium, I’m realizing that writing short stories and articles is the way to go…